366 Cliffview Road, Durban, KZN
   (031) 465 4396   cindi@cpaonline.co.za



Prior to any staff being deployed onto a site, they have to successfully complete a written competency exam, an oral interview and undergo in-house training at our offices. All newly employed staff need a minimum of an accredited Grade C Security Officer qualification and a valid PSIRA Registration Certificate.

Our Human Resources Manager Lucky Biyela, is responsible on all new sites for hands on staff training. He, with the assistance of our training officer Isaac Ngcobo, will ensure that all staff are fully trained and competent to make absolutely certain that from inception the client’s expectations are completely fulfilled. Refresher courses are held on most sites periodically. All site seniors are trained First Aiders and are knowledgeable in basic fire-fighting.

We believe that security involves a large public relations component and that our Security Officers need to be able to resolve minor issues themselves as they arise. For an initial period our Training Officer will also be assigned to the client’s premises in order to assist with onsite training and to ensure that the staff is trained to the standard of efficiency required by the client. All our staff have to obtain at least an 80% pass mark on a site specific written examination and be completely fluent in English.